My name is Kitt Henderson, I started my ground school training on July 4th 2022 and finished on January 6th 2023. After six months of hard work, I was rewarded with a 91% average with all first time passes.
Being in ground school was one of the most rewarding, yet different, academic experiences that I’ve ever had, learning skills that I know for sure I’ll use and will directly benefit my future career. I’ve also acquired certain soft skills that will aid me throughout my time on the flight deck.

"After six months of hard work, I was rewarded with a 91% average with all first time passes."
The challenges
One of the more challenging aspects of ground school was moving into a new area with new people and subjects that I hadn’t studied before. However, this was helped massively by my fellow cadets as well as the Instructors themselves, which made the transition as smooth as possible and really helped me feel at home and welcome. This, in turn, allowed me to focus solely on my work and getting the best grades that I possibly could.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of ground school was being able to experience the Full Flight Simulators that are on site at the L3Harris London Training Centre. This allowed me to put into practice what I had learnt in the classroom, as well practice some of my take-offs and landings in a Boeing 737 and Airbus A320!
Having finished ground school, I’m looking forward to going to Florida in February for the next stage of training. That will be the point where I’m able to put into practice everything that I’ve learnt so far and really start to consolidate my knowledge up to this point.
It really is amazing how much knowledge about a subject can be picked up in such a short amount of time and I’m really looking forward to what new experiences await me in Florida!