Having been with Royal Brunei Airlines for just over a year now I have completed two simulator checks. An LPC & an OPC, both are similar but also have slight differences in what is required from you over the course of the two days.

My top five tips in preparation for these sim check would be:
1. Get your head in the books
This is key before any test but having good knowledge around the topics that are likely to come up during your check is key. Even though you’re current on that aircraft you’re (hopefully) not able to put in practice events that happen in the simulator, in the real world. So revision on everything you covered across your type rating is key. There will also be an opportunity for your examiner to ask a couple of theory questions so reading around the topics will help you in this situation!
2. Revision of Memory Items
This is fairly obvious for any sim check as you’re going to be asked to re-call techniques and procedures that are required to be committed to memory. If you’re able to gain an insight into what might be coming up in your sim you’ll be able to hone in on the specific memory items required. Seat flying at home or running through it in the cruise works best for me! Another good tip is when in the cruise get the QRH and look through it in detail. Have a scan around the flight deck running though different procedures visually. This will aid you when under pressure in a stressful sim situation.
3. Topical Events
Most airlines base there sim checks around topical real life events, an example of this is at RBA in our last sim we covered volcanic ash at Bali. This is due to the volcano there that has been active for the past 12 months. Keeping yourself up to date with key real world aviation events will assist you in your preparation.
4. Discussion with your Line Captains
Another key revision tool is the person sitting beside you, using their experience and knowledge is a fantastic resource in asking questions and clarification on any techniques and procedures. They may have already completed there six month check too so any pointers and tips you can gain will be very valuable.
5. Review your de-brief from last time
Self assessment is key in preparation and learning from your sim check, have a look over what you did well last time and what areas you need to improve on. During your check there are ‘mandatory’ items that are required to be completed so by assessing your last performance you can identify quickly and easily what areas require more work.